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    • Strategy
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    • Press release
    InVivo's annual report - 2016_2017.
    • Strategy
    • Group
    • Press release
    InVivo is fully determined to help agriculture and agricultural cooperation regain their rightful place in the global food value chain, with respect for the planet and pe...
    • Strategy
    • Group
    • Our white papers
    The "2025 by InVivo" book explains the strategic development project for the next ten years..
    • Acquisition
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    • Press release
    Neovia has entered into exclusive negotiations to become Sanpo’s majority shareholder and establish itself on the high potential pet food market in China.
    • Brand
    • Group
    • Press release
    InVivo Labs announces its new identity today. It will become Upscience on 3 July 2017. This new brand embodies the international development momentum initiated by the net...
    • Acquisition
    • Wine
    • Press release
    InVivo Wine, the wine division of the InVivo Group, acquires Baarsma Wine Group, a Dutch group and European leader of wine imports and distribution. InVivo Wine has signe...
    • International
    • Group
    • Press release
    Upscience strengthens its operations in the Brazilian market through the acquisition of the top generation laboratory, Labtec, which has a "State of Art" struct...
    • Governance
    • Wine
    • Press release
    Bertrand Girard, managing director of InVivo Wine, will join the InVivo Group’s executive committee on 1st June..
    • Acquisition
    • Group
    • Press release
    Neovia strengthens its feed supplement offer in France through the acquisition of Agranix, an Aquitaine company manufacturing nutritional and dietary products.
    • Strategy
    • Group
    • Press release
    InVivo's annual report (2015_2016). .