
Engaged today, creative for tomorrow

We are committed, sincere, innovative, creative, entrepreneurs.

At Cordier, we work with our partners every day to break down boundaries, transform our sector sustainably, and strive for excellence with new practices and quality standards.

Our approach is a long-term one, for today and for tomorrow. We are constantly exploring new ways to reinvent and optimize our processes, to create new sources of value for winemakers.

  • #DIRECTION2030

Strategic objectives

  1. Build a lasting production and distribution model to withstand fluctuations (poor quality harvests, climate change, variations in energy costs etc.)
  2. Meet the new demands and expectations of consumers: enhanced knowledge levels, interest in the origin and processing of products, diversity of tastes
  3. Produce high quality wines and beverages that respect the Planet and the People

    that cultivate the land
  4. Build alliances to generate maximum value creation and synergies.
Photo de bouteilles de vin rosé l'une derrières l'autres

Our two pillars: people and grapes

It's good for the planet, it's good for the wine, it's good for everyone.

A unique and innovative brand

A "raison d'être": to create beverages that inspire and delight the generations of today and tomorrow.

  • A vision: to produce quality wines and beverages that take care of the Earth and the people who cultivate it.
  • A mission: to make a lasting difference, to contribute to the transformation of the industry and to generate responsible value.
Photo d'une grosse grappe de raisins vert

Cordier by InVivo, Committed today, Creative for tomorrow

Terra 360 is Cordier's CSR project from the ground up.

We are committed to sustainable, responsible and exemplary viticulture. This is why we have created "Terra360". This virtuous circle brings together our actions: soil health, biodiversity, energy savings, but also fair trade purchases, transparency and education for consumers.

We are constantly innovating and exploring new ways to reinvent and optimize our processes, to create new sources of value for winegrowers.

Photo d'une pousse de vigne dans un champ de vigne

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  • Careers

Want to join us?

At Cordier, we value personality.

Our Human Resources strategy is aimed at our employees all over the world. It constantly values the diversity of their profiles and talents in a spirit of fair treatment. It aims to develop their abilities and to recognize their contribution as best as possible.

Photo d'une femme brune avec un verre de vin rouge à la main et plusieurs bouteilles de vin rouge devant elle