For many years, InVivo has been committed to promoting sport, whose values echo its own identity. Whether in its management, its operating methods or its relations with its stakeholders, InVivo shares the values of sport: teamwork and co-construction, team spirit and fighting spirit, resilience, integrity and passion.
InVivo Sport Club
Cultivating the values of sport together
InVivo strengthens its links with the world of sport

A strong commitment to the world of sport
In 2023, InVivo has forged strong partnerships with the world of sport. By associating itself with world-renowned events such as the Rugby World Cup France 2023 and the E-Trophée Andros 2023-2024, the InVivo group is affirming its commitment to sport and extending its influence well beyond the agricultural and agri-food sector.
Today, the InVivo group wishes to accelerate its interactions with the world of sport by structuring an offer dedicated to supporting and accompanying the sporting ecosystem and the practice of sport.
This offer is structured around three key areas:
- InVivo Sport Club
Top-level sportsmen and women or world-renowned sporting events
Following on from the Rugby World Cup France 2023 and the e-Trophée Andros, InVivo wishes to intensify its partnerships with influential sportsmen and women or renowned events in order to raise its profile.
For example, in 2024, InVivo is associated with the ‘All Star Perche’ sporting event, an annual world-renowned pole-vaulting competition initiated by Renaud Lavillenie, Olympic pole-vaulting champion in London in 2012.

- InVivo Sport Club
Young up-and-coming talent
Because determination and surpassing oneself are essential qualities both in sport and in professional life, InVivo supports young, determined sporting talent by helping them to realise their projects and progress in their careers.
Jöna Aigouy, a native of Aveyron and current French javelin throw champion, is actively preparing for the 2024 Olympic Games.
Theone Adenet Louvet, who won the Junior World Champion title in French boxing, has decided to turn to English boxing in 2021, with the aim of becoming a professional world champion.
Cindy Gudet, a racing driver from the Ain and six-time French Mountain Champion, joined Yvan Muller's M Racing team at the last edition of the e-Trophée Andros. She is now pursuing her career at European level.
InVivo also supports ‘very’ young ‘in-house’ sporting talent (children of employees), through sponsorship of amateur clubs or individual sportsmen and women. Examples include the Clamart Rugby 92 club, the Sport Athlétique Mérignacais club (women's football team) and a BMX Race rider at national level.

- InVivo Sport Club
Our staff
Because sport is such a unifying force, InVivo encourages its employees to take part in competitions and each year offers them support for specific sporting events. The Group takes responsibility for managing registrations and organising logistics for a number of employees.
In 2023, 150 Group employees from all business lines took part in the 14ᵉ edition of the agricultural cooperatives half-marathon, in an atmosphere that was both sporting and friendly.
In 2024, two sporting events are on offer to Group employees: the WACC (World Agricultural Cycling Competition) in June and the Audencia Triathlon in La Baule in September.