
Press Releases

133 topics 133 topics
  • Strategy
  • Groupe

Neovia join forces with Pilardière, speciality manufacturing company recognised on the French market

PDF - 0.06 Mo
  • Strategy
  • Groupe

InVivo and ADM in exclusive negotiations on the planned sale of Neovia

PDF - 0.24 Mo
  • Strategy
  • Groupe

InVivo Annual Report - 2016-2017

PDF - 6.08 Mo
  • Strategy
  • Groupe

CSR Report 2016-2017

PDF - 6.24 Mo
  • Acquisition
  • Groupe

Neovia has entered into exclusive negotiations to become Sanpo’s

PDF - 0.05 Mo
  • Brand
  • Groupe

Upscience, a new identity for InVivo Labs

PDF - 0.10 Mo
  • Acquisition
  • Wine

InVivo Wine acquires Baarsma Wine Group

PDF - 0.09 Mo
  • International
  • Groupe

Upscience, a global French Company in Laboratory Analysis, strengthens its operations in Brazil through the acquisition of the reference laboratory Labtec

PDF - 0.05 Mo
  • Governance
  • Wine

Bertrand Girard, Managing Director of InVivo Wine, joins the InVivo Group executive committee

PDF - 0.19 Mo
  • Acquisition
  • Groupe

Neovia acquires Agranix

PDF - 0.04 Mo
  • Strategy
  • Groupe

InVivo's annual report (2015_2016)

PDF - 1.62 Mo
  • Strategy
  • Groupe

The essential 2016

PDF - 1.14 Mo