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    • Strategy
    • Malting
    • Press release
    Inverness, Scotland 29 Feb 2024 - Bairds Malt is pleased to announce an additional expansion of. production capacity at its Inverness malting site. This proposed ne...
    • Event
    • Group
    • Press release
    At the 60th edition of the International Agricultural Show being held from 24 February to 3 March, the InVivo group and its subsidiaries will be laying on a lively space ...
    • Innovation
    • Malting
    • Press release
    Since the beginning of the year, 50% of the malt used to brew 1664 Blonde beer has been sustainable malt, coming from the traceable and responsible barley supply chain th...
    • Innovation
    • Malting
    • News
    Depuis le début de l’année, la bière 1664 Blonde est brassée avec 50 % de malts durables issus de la filière Orge Responsable Tracée, cocréée en 2022 par . Brasseri...
    • Partnership
    • Wheat sector
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    A partnership commensurate with Episens' growth ambitions and the upgrading in quality of its product offering.
    • Partnership
    • Wheat sector
    • Press release
    A partnership commensurate with Episens' growth ambitions and the upgrading in quality of its product offering.
    • Strategy
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    Group overview 2023
    • Social dialogue
    • Group
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    After a year without incentives and following several months of negotiation, 2023 is ending on a positive note for labour relations with the signing of an incentive agree...
    • Event
    • Trading
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    Last week saw InVivo, one of Europe's leading agricultural groups, inaugurate a bakery training centre overseen by two of its subsidiaries, Soufflet Négoce by InVivo...