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    With its Renault Master Z.E., La Plucherie by InVivo delivers custom plant sprouts to 4 Parisian restaurants: LE 39V, Le Ducasse sur Seine, Nomicos and Spoon
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    The essential 2018 : InVivo is fully determined to help agriculture and agricultural cooperation regain their rightful place in the global food value chain, with respect ...
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    Gamm vert chooses Angers for the headquarters of its new retail chain business: Gamm vert Synergies
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    Christophe Béchu - President of Angers Loire Métropole and Mayor of Angers - Thierry Blandinières, Managing Director of InVivo - Guillaume Darrasse, Managing Director of ...
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    Neovia accelerates its development in Africa with the acquisition of Hi Nutrients, leading player on the premix market in Nigeria..
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    Bioline by InVivo, the global brand covering the InVivo Group's activities dedicated to agriculture, has successfully raised 50 million euros in the form of a capita...
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    Bioline by InVivo carries out a 50 million euros capital increase, from LFPI, associated with IDIA Capital Investissement and Unigrains..
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    Today, Neovia announced the acquisition of the Pilardière group, which is the third largest producer of mineral feeds and nutritional specialities on the French market. N...
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    InVivo and ADM in exclusive negotiations on the planned sale of Neovia: with this sale, InVivo is entering a new stage of its strategic plan, focusing its activities on t...
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    With this sale, InVivo is entering a new stage of its strategic plan, focusing its activities on the key drivers of its growth: agriculture, wine and retail.