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    • Strategy
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    Biostimulants: InVivo Agriculture and Valagro sign a co-development and distribution agreement. According to the agreement, InVivo Agriculture will distribute, in the Fre...
    • Brand
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    • Press release
    2016 marks a turning point in the history of InVivo NSA through the adoption of a new identity: Neovia..
    • Governance
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    From 1 July 2016, Maha Fournier, group’s Chief Financial and Operating Officer will be part of the Executive Committee of InVivo. She will oversee the Financial and Admin...
    • Strategy
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    • Press release
    InVivo Animal Nutrition and Health has announced the acquisition of Daavision, an international Dutch company specialised in the production and marketing of specialty add...
    • International
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    Neovia accélère sa croissance en Afrique du Sud et diversifie ses activités sur le continent avec l’acquisition de la société de prémix Pennville, l’inauguration d’un cen...
    • Acquisition
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    InVivo has signed an agreement to acquire, through its holding company InVivo AgroSciences, Bioline, a subsidiary of Syngenta specialized in the production and marketing ...
    • Acquisition
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    InVivo Animal Nutrition and Health, a world leader in its sector with a turnover of 1.5 billion euros, today announces the acquisition of Agrindustria, an Italian analyti...
    • Partnership
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    Enda O’Coineen, the first Irish skipper to race in the Vendée Globe will benefit from Bioline’s support..
    • Strategy
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    NEOVIA Venture, today announces an equity investment in the French start-up Equisense, which specializes in connected objects for the equine market. Launched on 8 July 20...
    • Strategy
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    • Press release
    The InVivo cooperative group is securing the financing for its “2025 by InVivo” strategic plan by raising €800 million through a syndicated loan of €680 million and a bon...