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582 results are availables
582 results
    • Acquisition
    • Malting
    • Press release
    Malteries Soufflet enters into Scheme Implementation Deed with United Malt Group Limited. The operation aims to create a leading global malt platform and accelerate Malte...
    • Strategy
    • Group
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    FertigHy, a new player in low-carbon fertiliser production, launched to accelerate decarbonisation of food value chain
    • Strategy
    • Group
    • Press release
    FertigHy, a new player in low-carbon fertiliser production, launched to accelerate decarbonisation of food value chain
    • Innovation
    • Wheat sector
    • Press release
    4.0 mill for sustainable, high-quality flour
    • Innovation
    • Wheat sector
    • News
    Moulins Soufflet inaugurates its new mill in Corbeil-Essonnes.
    • Innovation
    • Malting
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    For the past 4 months, thanks to a QR code placed on the bottle, 1664 Blonde beer has been inviting consumers to discover how it is made, from the barley field to the bot...
    • International
    • Malting
    • Press release
    Malteries Soufflet, l'un des trois premiers acteurs mondiaux de l’industrie du malt et filiale du groupe européen agricole InVivo, pose ce jour la première pierre du...
    • Acquisition
    • Malting
    • Press release
    • Acceleration of Malteries Soufflet’s growth and value-generating strategy, supported by. promising long-term dynamics in the malt sector. • Creation of a gl...
    • Acquisition
    • Malting
    • News
    • Acceleration of Malteries Soufflet’s growth and value-generating strategy, supported by. promising long-term dynamics in the malt sector. • Creation of a gl...