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674 results
    • Partnership
    • Direction Corporate Groupe
    • News
    The Grand Est region and InVivo have shared their expertise with Gamabilis to develop a storyline about field crops for the Roots of Tomorrow video game, which is availab...
    • Strategy
    • Wheat sector
    • News
    One year after acquiring the Soufflet group, the InVivo group is now one of the leading European agri-food cooperative groups. A key figure in food sovereignty, InVivo op...
    • Strategy
    • Wheat sector
    • Press release
    One year after acquiring the Soufflet group, the InVivo group is now one of the leading European agri-food cooperative groups. A key figure in food sovereignty, InVivo op...
    • Governance
    • Direction Corporate Groupe
    • News
    The Board of Directors of the national union of cooperatives InVivo met today and elected. Jérôme Calleau as its new Chairman. Jérôme Calleau, who has served as Dep...
    • Governance
    • Direction Corporate Groupe
    • Press release
    Le Conseil d’administration de l’Union nationale de coopératives agricoles InVivo, réuni ce. jour, a élu son nouveau président Jérôme Calleau à l’unanimité. Préside...
    • Acquisition
    • Malting
    • Press release
    Malteries Soufflet se porte acquéreur de la malterie belge La Malterie du Château
    • Acquisition
    • Malting
    • News
    Malteries Soufflet se porte acquéreur de la malterie belge La Malterie du Château
    • Strategy
    • Group
    • Publication
    Key book 2030 by InVivo
    • Social dialogue
    • Group
    • Press release
    Reward and profit-sharing schemes 2021-2022 : The incumbent trade unions and InVivo Group management sign two new agreements. . .
    • Social dialogue
    • Group
    • News
    The incumbent trade unions and InVivo Group management sign two new agreements. . .