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675 results
    • CSR
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    InVivo is fully determined to help agriculture and agricultural cooperation regain their rightful place in the global food value chain, with respect for the planet and pe...
    • Strategy
    • Group
    • Publication
    InVivo's annual report (2015_2016).
    • Strategy
    • Group
    • Publication
    Corporate presentation - InVivo Group - 2015-2016.
    • Strategy
    • Group
    • Publication
    InVivo CSR Report 2015-2016
    • Strategy
    • Group
    • Publication
    To feed the world’s fast-growing population on a sustainable basis, InVivo is rolling out..
    • Strategy
    • Group
    • Publication
    InVivo's Annual report (2014-2015)..
    • Strategy
    • Group
    • Publication
    The 10 years strategic project in short.
    • Strategy
    • Group
    • Publication
    Annual Report 2012-2013
    • Strategy
    • Group
    • Publication
    The singular history of a major cooperative player in French agriculture..
    • Governance
    • Group
    • News
    As part of the group's recent evolution and transformation, Sébastien Graff, Director of Human Resources at InVivo since 2008, has been appointed Chief Executive Off...