Reward and profit-sharing schemes 2021-2022
- Social dialogue
- Group

Reward and profit-sharing schemes 2021-2022
The incumbent trade unions and InVivo Group management sign two new agreements
As part of its social dialogue, InVivo began 2022 with the signature of two new group-wide agreements: a reward scheme agreement for the 2021-2022 financial year, and an amendment to the profit-sharing scheme agreement. Both were signed with most social partners: CFDT, CFE-CGC, CFTC, FGTA-FO and SDACOOPA.
The social partners and the group's management therefore show their shared desire to continue the process of harmonizing practices and establishing a common incentive system for all employees.
The new group reward scheme
The agreement is signed for a fixed term for the fiscal year 2021-2022. It applies to the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2021 and ending June 30, 2022, i.e., an exceptional fiscal year of 9 months. The group reward scheme provides employees with:
- a share of the group's results, up to 33% from 25% previously,
- a share of the performance of their business unit, up to 67% from 75% previously.
The bonus will now be distributed on a 50/50 basis: 50% pro rata to income levels and 50% based on employee attendance (previously 60% and 40%).
This agreement is based on fairness and solidarity: employees benefit from a common incentive scheme combining the performance of the group and that of their affiliated business units.
Profit-sharing scheme 2021-22
The signature of the 8th amendment to the group's profit-sharing scheme agreement of December 31, 2013 has extended its coverage. The parties involved wished to renew the mutualization principle to involve all of the group's employees.
In addition to the legal formula that applies to all group subsidiaries, participation is determined by adding up the profits generated. The goal is to build a stronger sense of belonging to the group, increase employee engagement, and achieve a more equitable profit-sharing.
Sébastien Graff, InVivo's Human Resources Director: “At InVivo, we are convinced that the group's development is achieved for and through its employees. While we were finalizing the acquisition of the Soufflet group, in a context of very limited time and very particular circumstances for our group, we were able to negotiate these agreements. This clearly demonstrates our ability to carry out structuring operations, while remaining true to our core value – making people the main priority. The schemes we have co-constructed are innovative in that they directly link the performance of teams to their bonuses, ensuring a fair distribution of the group's consolidated performance to involve all employees at all times and everywhere.”
- Documents to download
Press release
Reward and profit-sharing schemes_2021-2022 0.pdf