Strengthened governance fully mobilised to support the Group's strategic plan
- Governance
- Group

Strengthened governance fully mobilised to support the Group's strategic plan
The Board of Directors of Union InVivo, meeting today, re-elected its Chairman and Deputy Chairman, as well as the entire Bureau, which was strengthened by new members.
The year 2020 was an exceptional year, strongly marked by the Covid-19 epidemic and the global economic crisis that it brought with it. However, this unprecedented situation did not dampen the ambitions of the InVivo group, which posted solid results and is entering a new major turning point in its development.
In line with the group's desire to position itself as a driving force in the transition to agriculture and food, the Board of Directors of Union InVivo, through this unanimous vote on governance, has renewed its confidence in the group's chairmanship and general management, which is held by Thierry Blandinières.
Philippe Mangin, Chairman of EMC2 and Jérôme Calleau, Chairman of CAVAC, were unanimously re-elected as Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Union respectively. The same was true for the entire board, which now has six new members out of the twelve that make up the board.
The Union InVivo Board includes the Union's President and Deputy President, as well as the following cooperative presidents and general managers:
- Patrick Aps, Managing Director of NATUP (76)
- Cédric Carpene, President of VAL DE GASCOGNE (32)
- Joël Castany, President of LES VIGNERONS DU VAL D'ORBIEU (11)
- Thierry Dupont, President of AGORA (60)
- Bertrand Hernu, President of UNEAL (62)
- Thierry Lafaye, Managing Director of OCEALIA (16)
- Jean-François Naudi, President of ARTERRIS (11)
- Michel Prugue, President of MAISADOUR (40)
- Bertrand Relave, Managing Director of EUREA (42)
- Christian Sondag, President of LORCA (75)
- Document à télecharger
Communiqué de presse
2021.05.12 CP Gouvernance Union InVivo.pdf